About Us
The Aldersbridge Navigator was developed to provide comprehensive, coordinated services to enroll, screen, educate, communicate, monitor, and refer elderly Rhode Island residents to the right community and professional services at the right time. This ambitious, innovative approach was developed at Linn Health & Rehabilitation Center of East Providence with support from its parent non-profit organization, Aldersbridge Communities.

Our Vision
All older people have access to exactly what they need to be healthy and comfortable at home, and their families also experience this security.
Our Mission
To enhance the seven (7) domains of well-being* among those being served through information, education, guidance, and access to health and social services.
*Identity, Connectedness, Security, Autonomy, Meaning, Growth, Joy

Our Values
Regardless of their current or past circumstances, every person will:
Experience well-being and health security
Have access to healthcare
Live where they prefer, to the extent that their safety, and the safety of others allows
Understand how to keep themselves healthy, to the best of their abilities
Enjoy a rich, rewarding social network, based on their preferences
Know when and how to access urgent care